everydayhappy, Donator
#8 Kite: Helt fel.
Blixtarna uppkommer ur askmolnen och det finns ingen riktig förklaring hur det händer utan bara teorier.
Har ingenting med "magnetisk magma", vet inte ens vart du har fått det ifrån.
Här har du en förklaring hur blixtar uppkommer.
"1. Starting state (particles might have already been charged by some previous process).
2. Collisions lead to charge separation. For this to happen there has to be some difference in the electrical properties of the particles in the collisions.
3. Some process, such as aerodynamic sorting, segregates the positively and negatively charged particles. This means that there are sections of the cloud that are more negative or positive than other sections.
4. When the charge separation becomes too great, electricity will flow between the positive and negative regions of the cloud forming lightning and neutralizing the charge separation."