Länkar Forum
Hemsida   Know your destiny! Tillbaka
Kommentarer 285 kommentarer, 28440 klick.

Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:20 | #1
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:24 | #2
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:26 | #3
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:26 | #4
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:26 | #5
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:27 | #6
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 12:27 | #7
Torshten, Donator 2010-07-03 12:28 | #8
Hahaha fick en bättre,

You are stinky mcmuff the bringer of the viking-prince destined to rule all pokemon
intel, Donator 2010-07-03 12:29 | #9
You are not Bob the right behemoth destined to invade jews! aja bara börja planera...stackars Israel :/
NaffsarN 2010-07-03 12:29 | #10
you are: TINY KILLER, the FIRST ASSASIN destined to STEAL JEWS
SvenskUngdom, Donator 2010-07-03 12:29 | #11
You are Stinky McMuff the legendary meme destined to invade Russia

wtf oO?
Torshten, Donator 2010-07-03 12:32 | #12
jag kan seriöst hålla på med detta ett ganska bra tag utan att tröttna.. haha xD (Y) på existenz
lollebollen 2010-07-03 12:32 | #13
you are: Hitlers Bro
the: Right Driller
Destined to: Steal all Aids
enpinne 2010-07-03 12:33 | #14
You are blast nigger the evil,evil overlord destined to subdue all aids
lollebollen 2010-07-03 12:34 | #15
you are ultra woman the heroic warrior destined to pierce children
nisse092 2010-07-03 12:35 | #16
You are Jesus penis The silent tripfag destined to end all Pokemon, wtf? xD
enpinne 2010-07-03 12:36 | #17
Fick en bättre nu; you are ruthless dad the original manchild destined to rape russia
BraMänniska 2010-07-03 12:40 | #18
Fick en onekligen bra träff, "You are Hitlers Man; the tragic anon destined to pierce Poland"
JungleBoB 2010-07-03 12:40 | #19
you are mecha saurus the perfect overlord destined to sell two bears at once
kakburken, Donator 2010-07-03 12:41 | #20
you are ultra jesus the raging pedo destined to defeat niggers
min var awesome
Kearl 2010-07-03 12:41 | #21
You are Blast Boy, the first christian destined to steal all aids
Scattah 2010-07-03 12:44 | #22
You are Penis Saurus, the immortal behemoth destined to rape mankind.
föllt 2010-07-03 12:45 | #23
You are stinky saurus, the feared anon, destined to steal the internet.
Winsane, Donator 2010-07-03 12:48 | #24
sparta4ever, Donator 2010-07-03 12:48 | #25
You are hitlers boy the Evil, Evil Meme Destined to Battle with Orginal content
Fl0ff 2010-07-03 12:48 | #26
You are Mother dad the bringer of the ruler destined to rape and pillage everything. I lol'd
Bl00D 2010-07-03 12:50 | #27
You Are Mellow McMuff The Feared Boy Destined To Slaughter All The Jews
kungboris, Donator 2010-07-03 12:50 | #28
You are Fat Hernandez The original Mastertroll Destined to confine jews
Ilvion 2010-07-03 12:55 | #29
You are Nigger Jesus The One and Only Superhero Destined To Steal Tibet
el-stängsel, Donator 2010-07-03 12:55 | #30
you are mr. nigger the lazy basementdweller destined to save all cakes
stewii, Donator 2010-07-03 12:56 | #31
You are black nigger The short bird destined to sell russia
qualin 2010-07-03 12:56 | #32
You are Whore Jesus the cold-blooded king destined to change all europe! xD
Ilvion 2010-07-03 12:57 | #33
You are Bizarro Hernandez The Last Warrior Destined To Have Sex With All Children xD
kvuffe 2010-07-03 12:58 | #34
You are Dildo Joe the legendary camwhore destined to overthrow all your mother
Motorsågen 2010-07-03 12:58 | #35
You are Booze Sarus The Tragic King Destined To Lead all POKEMON
oggesmaks 2010-07-03 12:59 | #36
Penis Maximus, The Legendary Nigger Destined to Discover Your Mother
JN 2010-07-03 12:59 | #37
You are lonely x the tragic superrobot destined to sell niggers
hebbazz 2010-07-03 12:59 | #38
You are faggy Assassin the very angry savior Destined to do nothing about your Mother
De var De 2010-07-03 12:59 | #39
You are Jesus Prime the First Killer destined to Wrestle With Urself
Thellman 2010-07-03 13:00 | #40
You are W.T Savior the Bloodthirsty Mastertroll destined to Slay Mankind !
Spiken 2010-07-03 13:02 | #41
You Are Super Christ the immortal meme destined to snack on jews
SebastianJAO 2010-07-03 13:02 | #42
You are Penis Ranger the Brutal Wizard destined to break jews
johan..., Donator 2010-07-03 13:03 | #43
You are Mega boy the first angry savior destined to have sex with all niggers.
Cabba 2010-07-03 13:12 | #44
You are Boss Jew the brutal tripfag destined to sell yourself
Pollehezt 2010-07-03 13:13 | #45
You are super dad the unstoppable tripfag destined to have sex with all the trolls.
Randig, Donator 2010-07-03 13:13 | #46
You are Ultra Jew the Humongous Mastertroll Destined to Confine Yourself
Axelelele 2010-07-03 13:13 | #47
you are ultra girl the desperate christian destined to sell poland
Phizt 2010-07-03 13:13 | #48
You are Waffen-SS Assasin, The legendary king, Destined to sleep with all children.
Key3 2010-07-03 13:15 | #49
You are "Blast Jesus", The Silent Behemoth, Destined to Break The Goverment.
s0mething 2010-07-03 13:16 | #50
You are ultra assassin the massive king destined to invade europe
pepsarn, Donator 2010-07-03 13:16 | #51
You are Blast Maximus the Very Angry Mastertroll destined to Subdue all Jews
Peterprawn 2010-07-03 13:19 | #52
You are Ultra Girl the Immortal Camwhore destined to end all 4CHAN.
PLEWd 2010-07-03 13:23 | #53
You are Father Jack the Marked Camwhore destined to invade the heavens
zekuz, Donator 2010-07-03 13:24 | #54
You are MR. ranger the one and only assasin destined to study all pokemon
hhomo 2010-07-03 13:26 | #55
You are whore jack the brutal king destined to rape the skies!
killercx, Donator 2010-07-03 13:27 | #56
Lalle 2010-07-03 13:30 | #57
You are Ultra Kong, the last assassin, destined to murder children
Zilwer 2010-07-03 13:30 | #58
You are Master sniper The Brutal sniper Destined to Have sex with all and pillage everything!
hejpådig100 2010-07-03 13:31 | #59
You are the FAGGY X the hope of the Boy destined to sell two bears at once.
Riel95 2010-07-03 13:31 | #60
You are lazy assassin the legendary superhero destined to sell jews.
hunzzer 2010-07-03 13:32 | #61
You are Hitlers Maximus the feared wizzard destinied to subdue all pokemon
ipad 2010-07-03 13:33 | #62
Så det säger du?, Donator 2010-07-03 13:33 | #63
You are Waffen-ass Jesus the brutal neet destined to slay niggers.
True story (:
abew 2010-07-03 13:33 | #64
You are Nigger Advocate the Humungous boy Destined to break AIDS
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 13:36 | #65
Haxxelhoff, Donator 2010-07-03 13:37 | #66
You Chibi Chan the massive boy destined to break to bears at once.
Rilletheruu 2010-07-03 13:37 | #67
You are the magnificent savior the ruthless assassin destined to subdue all children
hunzzer 2010-07-03 13:37 | #68
You are whore jew the angry hero destinied to drill god.

Ganska lågiskt
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 13:38 | #69
hunzzer 2010-07-03 13:39 | #70
You are magnificent girl the im peccable anon destinied to wrestle with jews.
Zyx, Donator 2010-07-03 13:39 | #71
You are inferno dad the legendary sniper destined to help all jews
nilsbaby, Donator 2010-07-03 13:40 | #72
you are: magnificen penis
the cold-blooded king
Destined to break the white house.

Smecken, Donator 2010-07-03 13:40 | #73
You are aids christ the silent basementdweller destined to eat all poland
mongolen, Donator 2010-07-03 13:41 | #74
You are Hitlers Bob the silent boy destined to steal all 4chan
mattemh, Donator 2010-07-03 13:41 | #75
NickNack, Donator 2010-07-03 13:42 | #76
You are Penis Chan The desperate pedo destinated to break the whitehouse
captain haddock 2010-07-03 13:43 | #77
You are jesus prime the right nigger to have sex with all your mother
swedium 2010-07-03 13:43 | #78
you are ruthless jesus the very angry neet destined to steal all jews
fjoNkie, Donator 2010-07-03 13:47 | #79
Mammoth Dad the Hopefully Last Ruler destined to Sleep with all Jews!
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 13:47 | #80
Molorzi 2010-07-03 13:47 | #81
you are silent san the legendary mastertroll destined to liberate all original content
Gomz 2010-07-03 13:48 | #82
You are Dark Chan the perfect camwhore destined to pierce to bears at once
Mr Azzault 2010-07-03 13:49 | #83
You Are Penis Bob
The Feared Assasin
Destined to Steal All Niggers
BearClaw 2010-07-03 13:51 | #84
You are super boy the immortal king destined to rape children.
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 13:51 | #85
cian 2010-07-03 13:51 | #86
You are Hitlers saurus
The immortal anon
Destenied to discover niggers
Frallam 2010-07-03 13:52 | #87
You are Commander Penis the homungus driller destined to re-invent europe
Linus420, Donator 2010-07-03 13:52 | #88
tomelajt 2010-07-03 13:54 | #89
You are ultra advocate the unstoppable neet destined to do nothing about nothing.
Blubaer, Donator 2010-07-03 13:56 | #90
#88, haha
Nanobrain, Donator 2010-07-03 14:00 | #91
You are the Master Jesus The Massive Viking-Prince Destined to Liberate all Children
Ljungan 2010-07-03 14:02 | #92
You are Mammoth penis the first viking-prince destined to steal aids! haha
Arconius 2010-07-03 14:03 | #93
You are Faggy boy The Massive Christian Destined to Re-educate Mankind
croxez 2010-07-03 14:04 | #94
YOU ARE tiny nigger
THE original pedo
wrestle with his waifu
shadowjeppe 2010-07-03 14:06 | #95
You are Long John Jim the cold-blooded pedo destined to steal all mankind
Getjucket 2010-07-03 14:07 | #96
You are Mecha Jim the cold-blooded wizard destined to sell niggers.
Hittebarnet 2010-07-03 14:07 | #97
You are the Master Penis the First Driller Destined to Slaughter all the Niggers

That's the way to go
SlemFitta 2010-07-03 14:13 | #98
vaniljmunken, Donator 2010-07-03 14:18 | #99
You Are:
Aids Mom
Bloodthirsty Camwhore
Destined to:
Re-invent mankind..
ztolteN 2010-07-03 14:19 | #100
You are good old advocate the original camwhore destined to have sex with all children
Jsson, Donator 2010-07-03 14:22 | #101
You are the Captain Man, The Impeccable Hero destined to Confine Europe
lefisorz, Donator 2010-07-03 14:24 | #102
Haha you are a nigger advocate the one and only sniper destined to sell niggers xD
Hardcorefucker, Donator 2010-07-03 14:28 | #103
You are Waffen-SS Killer The Silent Assassin Destined To Annihilate All Jews, thihi!
faroree, Donator 2010-07-03 14:29 | #104
you are jesus christ the fabled camwhore destined to rape children
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 14:29 | #105
Kadde, Donator 2010-07-03 14:32 | #106
You are Father Assassin The Heroic Neet Destinated To Change All Moot.
zRuplen, Donator 2010-07-03 14:34 | #107
You are dark jesus the ruthless pedo destined to steal aids!
3m3rald 2010-07-03 14:35 | #108
You are Magnus Snacks The Hopefully last manchild Destined to Rule all mankind!!!!!
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 14:39 | #109
JokerXxX, Donator 2010-07-03 14:39 | #110
You are Chibi Nigger The Legendary Ruler Destined To Lead all Vikings. Lol
sibbenn 2010-07-03 14:47 | #111
You are Captain Hernandez The Very Angry Manchild Destined to Rape AIDS
Zotz 2010-07-03 14:48 | #112
Ruffs1 2010-07-03 14:52 | #113
You are father virgin the massive neet destined to sleep with all the pokemon

True story
Muckelper 2010-07-03 14:52 | #114
You are chief penis, the bringer of the wizard destined to turn lead into his waifu? ^.-
GizMo, Donator 2010-07-03 14:54 | #115
You are captain x the cold blooded meme destined to challange all the internet
AgentSmith, Donator 2010-07-03 14:54 | #116
You are Blast Ranger The one and only assassin Destined to slay Russia - Alright. :D
Jigsaw, Donator 2010-07-03 14:57 | #117
You are Pussy Woman the perfect superrobot designed to end all the government!
p0skegg, Donator 2010-07-03 15:00 | #118
you are Good Old Dad, the Humungous Manchild - destined to Eat All the tRoLLS!
Cheeseburger 2010-07-03 15:07 | #119
You are inferno Nigger the original nigger destined to Help all the Memes

lol xD
Tvålslukare, Donator 2010-07-03 15:10 | #120
"You are boss Jack The Humungous nigger destined to sell all trolls"
DuDriverMedMig:D 2010-07-03 15:29 | #121
Whore Simon thhe Legendary Meme Destined to Slay Jews!
entic 2010-07-03 15:31 | #122
"You are aids nigger the immortal anon destined to eat all poland"
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 15:32 | #123
mrleolito 2010-07-03 15:33 | #124
You are the silent penis the plagued assassin destined to end all jews
Fishermans Friend 2010-07-03 15:37 | #125
You are psycho christ the impeccable warrior destined to slay the memes.
zorx, Donator 2010-07-03 15:38 | #126
"You are Good Old Christ, The last sniper destined to confine GOD. Hahahaha bästa ever.
Poofball, Donator 2010-07-03 15:42 | #127
HAHA, fan va skön början ^^

You are Dildo Jesus, The perfect superhero distined to snack on aids
Oddasat 2010-07-03 15:43 | #128
You are Ultra Man
The very angry superhero
Destined to rape niggers
peoo 2010-07-03 15:46 | #129
You are Captain Prime the first nigger destinated to discover the internet
urb 2010-07-03 15:47 | #130

"You are Long John Ranger The Right Christian Destined To Snack On Jews"

calixtus, Donator 2010-07-03 15:47 | #131
You are Inferno chan
the plagued hero
Destined to Subdue all jews
hinzistheshiet, Donator 2010-07-03 15:52 | #132
You are Mecha San
The chosen pedo
destined to eat all jews
mamamacce 2010-07-03 15:54 | #133
You are hitlers virgin
The last nigger
Destined to rape your mother
Snutten19 2010-07-03 16:04 | #134
You are lonly man The Desperate tripfag Destined to Re-invent The Trolls
Scenox, Donator 2010-07-03 16:04 | #135
Mr. Kong The Immortal Wizard Destined to Liberate all pokemon!
simpelimp, Donator 2010-07-03 16:05 | #136
You are super assassin the ruthless king destined to discover aids! jag tror jag vann lite om jag ska vara ärlig
jägarn, Donator 2010-07-03 16:11 | #137
You are Commander Jack
The right nigger
Destined to die eating furries
sorenpower 2010-07-03 16:20 | #138
You are: Ultra nigger
The Bringer of the cold-blooded
Destined to
Rule all Aids
Kwarken 2010-07-03 16:20 | #139
You are Nigger Penis the humongus overlord, destined to pierce Poland :>
xPontusx 2010-07-03 16:21 | #140
You are: Mr. San
The chosen mastertroll
destined to drill niggers
Nyuu 2010-07-03 16:24 | #141
You are: Mecha Penis
The: Brutal Hero
Destined to: Lead All 4CHAN
Epic ;)
simpiepiepie, Donator 2010-07-03 16:30 | #142
you are Hitler Simon the one and only hero destined to change all the trolls !
Salad_Toss, Donator 2010-07-03 16:46 | #143
I am Ultra Penis, the Raging Assassin, i am destined to sleep with all niggers!
Lincke 2010-07-03 16:47 | #144
You are : Basement Nigger
The Evil, Evil Behemoth
Destined to kill children
tesko 2010-07-03 16:50 | #145
You are Omega penis the legendary manchild destined to rule all jews!
x3r13x1z, Donator 2010-07-03 16:53 | #146
You are:
Fat killer the last tripfag destined to have sex with all jews.
Teddy Westside 2010-07-03 16:54 | #147
You are Mellow Jack, the impeccable overlord, destined to wrestle with niggers.

Dubbeltrast 2010-07-03 16:54 | #148
You are: Mecha Jew The Very Angry Hero Destined To Help All Yourself!
mullewt 2010-07-03 17:06 | #149



Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 17:11 | #150
olabandola, Donator 2010-07-03 17:16 | #151
You are Mecha Girl the one and only assassin destined to wrestle with the trolls
Tvattekorg 2010-07-03 17:17 | #152
Konstapeln 2010-07-03 17:17 | #153
fick den bästa: Mr McMuff, the bringer of the nigger, destined to discover aids
slimes, Donator 2010-07-03 17:21 | #154
You are Mammoth Jesus, The original pedo, Destined to die in STDS.
jonteponte91 2010-07-03 17:30 | #155
You are Master Simon, The feared Christian, Destined to rape god

HAHA! :) mer oklart kan det knappt bli??
fetthan, Donator 2010-07-03 17:34 | #156
you are mr sniper the impeccable sniper
Lavos 2010-07-03 17:36 | #157
You are: Easy to please Jack
The: Desperate Hero
Destined to: Re-educate 4CHAN
Jeaper 2010-07-03 17:39 | #158
You are Jesus Maximus the tragic superrobot destined to challenge all pokemon.
Leon 2010-07-03 17:50 | #159
Niggers! xD
krash, Donator 2010-07-03 17:59 | #160
you are whore boy
the perfect boy
destined to invade internet
Waxific, Donator 2010-07-03 18:02 | #161
You are: Mr. Bro the Plagued King Destined to Snack on two bears at once. :P
krash, Donator 2010-07-03 18:08 | #162
en annan you are dark penis the brutal driller destined to murder stds
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 18:09 | #163
krusebuse, Donator 2010-07-03 18:10 | #164
You are aids maximus the silent basementweller destined to defeat the aids
Tarz, Donator 2010-07-03 18:11 | #165
You are Ruthless Anon the Cold-Blooded Camwhore destined to defeat Niggers.
Aktium, Donator 2010-07-03 18:13 | #166
You are Whore Anon the Perfect Viking Prince destined to Murder Moot

You are Dragon Kong the Tragic Tripfag destined to Sell Your Mother

You are Mega Penis the Tragic Boy destined to Re-Educate Moot

You are Mother Hernandez the Hope Of The Overlord destined to Steal Tibet
2010-07-03 18:16 | #167
You are Pussy Jesus, The right King, destined to rule all mankind :D
snelkille 2010-07-03 18:25 | #168
You are Mother Bob, the cold-blooded basementdweller, destined to Re-Invent God.
Rotfrukten 2010-07-03 18:27 | #169
You are commander Joe, the one and only neet. Destined to rape jews
Svakko 2010-07-03 18:28 | #170
You are Dildo Nigger, the Ruthless Nigger, destined to Wrestle Nigger.
snelkille 2010-07-03 18:30 | #171
haha Nigger Saurus!
langballe 2010-07-03 18:33 | #172
You are Bizarro Maximus the Desperate Wizard destined to Change all Jews
Tozz 2010-07-03 18:36 | #173
You are Dark penis, the impeccable anon destined to steal all the pokemons
Montreal 2010-07-03 18:36 | #174
You are Father Man The Immortal Basementdweller Destined to Have sex with all Furries!
Pirken 2010-07-03 18:38 | #175
You are Mr virgin the immortal nigger destined to sell hoods:D
infeCted 2010-07-03 18:41 | #176
You are: Super Hernandez the raging nigger destined to confine pokemon :P
Casualism 2010-07-03 18:43 | #177
you are: Penis killer THE brutal mastertroll DESTINED TO discover two bears at once. HAHA
kalleballe1337 2010-07-03 18:47 | #178
you are emperor jew the immortal superhero destined to rule all two bears at once
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 18:49 | #179
iRizer 2010-07-03 18:51 | #180
You are penis man, the brutal behemoth, destined to steal Poland!
Slarre 2010-07-03 18:52 | #181
Hehe "You are the Captain Nigger, The One and only Mastertroll, Destined to Slay The Internet"
Simemark 2010-07-03 18:52 | #182
You are Dildo Virgin the Feared Pedo Destined to Have sex with all Children! HAHAHA
asd1asd 2010-07-03 19:01 | #183
You are Nigger Saurus the Desperate Basementdweller destined to Re-invent Niggers!
XivioN 2010-07-03 19:11 | #184
You are Mother Mcmuff
The silent nigger
Destined to rape your little sis
Gargamel 2010-07-03 19:27 | #185
You are Super Jesus, the feared anon, destined to re-invent yourself xD
sneakkz 2010-07-03 19:45 | #186
You are Penis woman the brutal camwhore ,destined to do nothing about poland, HAHAHAHHHAHAHh
nichosj, Donator 2010-07-03 20:02 | #187
You are Booze Jim, the first mastertroll, destined to murder jews.
lillsowi, Donator 2010-07-03 20:12 | #188
You are Aids Penis, The Ruthless Assassin, Destined to Eat All Mankind
Tyrsing, Donator 2010-07-03 20:24 | #189
Den bästa nånsin!
You Are: Mellow Ranger
The: Immortal Camwhore
Destined to: Invade your mother! :D
bjbooy, Donator 2010-07-03 20:25 | #190
you are : not virgin
the : perfect wizard
destined to reinvent niggers
Holymorgan 2010-07-03 20:36 | #191
Saweer 2010-07-03 20:38 | #192
You are Bizarro san the chosen king destined to re-educate pokeomn
Anttu 2010-07-03 20:39 | #193
You are Ultra Advocate the marked hero, destined to confine niggers! YEAH! Jag ska spärra in negrer. :
powermuppen, Donator 2010-07-03 20:39 | #194
You are Inferno Penis The hope of Anon destined to invade your mother
oggeogge 2010-07-03 20:40 | #195
Stoned Jack
Immortal Pedofile
Destined To:
Defeat Children
v_viklund 2010-07-03 20:41 | #196
You are: Aids mc muff
The: ruthless superrobot
destined to: slay russia
onlyusemesniperwithh 2010-07-03 20:51 | #197
1. You're Mr. Simon the perfect manchild destined to help all jews.

2. You're father christ the feared manchild destined to drill 4chan.

3. You're Inferno Jack the last superrobot destined to defeat all pokemon.
NightForce93 2010-07-03 20:59 | #198
You are Omega Savior
the Perfect Superrobot
Destined to Re-Invent Russia

Trens9 2010-07-03 21:13 | #199
You are Stinky Jack, the last hero, destined to rape vikings! =D
galeg 2010-07-03 21:34 | #200
You are Mr. Nigger, the first superrobot destined to pierce two bears at once.

You are ruthless sniper, the silent anon destined to slaughter all the Russia.
Infernus 2010-07-03 21:42 | #201
You are tiny asspie the one who'll steal the camwhore destined to confine pokemon
MrGangBanger 2010-07-03 21:53 | #202
You are Aids X The Ruthless Assassin Destined to steal your mother
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 22:00 | #203
Fonty 2010-07-03 22:01 | #204
You are aids mom the feared pedo detined to end all the internet
Darkhunter231 2010-07-03 22:01 | #205
You are Basement Penis THE Hopefully Last Anon Destined to Study all Cakes xD awesome!!
Barajoel 2010-07-03 22:10 | #206
Lazy penis
Chosen sniper
Challenge all Cakes
NAMNAMNAM 2010-07-03 22:12 | #207
Sajtox, Donator 2010-07-03 22:12 | #208
You are Father Nigger the unstoppable nigger destined to sell the goverment. Kung ju
Infernus 2010-07-03 22:21 | #209
you are aids chan the original mastertroll destined to re-educate original content
sebbe211 2010-07-03 22:32 | #210
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA jag fick Father Hernandez the One and only Pedo Rule All Children HAHAHAHAH!!!!!
nighten 2010-07-03 22:37 | #211
you are penis virgin the last saviour destined to discover 4chan

p18akap12 2010-07-03 22:37 | #212
You are: Nigger Dad The Very Angry Pedo Destined to Rape Children. Baaam.
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-03 22:37 | #213
Chuck Norris 2010-07-03 22:41 | #214

addej 2010-07-03 22:41 | #215
You are Mammoth Kun The Brutal Ruler Destined To Change All Niggers
Zandeer 2010-07-03 22:43 | #216
Noodeis 2010-07-03 23:00 | #217
You are empiror Bob the marked neet destinated to murder children? WTF
Klostra, Donator 2010-07-03 23:17 | #218
Fat Penis
Massive Pedo
Sleep With All Children
Acorn 2010-07-03 23:24 | #219
You are mecha jew, the heroic otaku destined to slay Europe.

Nice (Y)
Andeass, Donator 2010-07-03 23:33 | #220
You are Ultra Prime, The Massive anon Destinied to murder cakes!
AMAGAD 2010-07-03 23:36 | #221
You are jesus savior the first meme destined to end all niggers
Mattzon 2010-07-03 23:43 | #222
You are not asspie
The one and only camwhore
Destined to sell nothing
Trickster 2010-07-03 23:48 | #223
You are mecha san
The one and only legendary assasin
destined to battle with russia :D
Spisen 2010-07-03 23:51 | #224
You are ultra asspie the brooding boy destined to discover god
queen 2010-07-03 23:54 | #225
You are Emperor Hernandez The Unstoppable King Destined To Sleep with all Niggers....Haha, asg!:D
maaxi 2010-07-03 23:56 | #226
you are mecha anon the evil, evil nigger destined to change all europe
Enaze 2010-07-03 23:57 | #227
You are not bro, the legendary nigger. Destined to battle with your little sis
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-04 00:22 | #228
Kairazu 2010-07-04 00:35 | #229
You are Silent Bro
The Raging Boy
Destined to discover God

Oh jävlar... :D:D:D!!!
QuincyiZBacK, Donator 2010-07-04 00:54 | #230
Hahahaha ! You Are The Mammoth Woman Massive Boy Destined To Have Sex With All Niggers. Hahahaha !
mansastrand 2010-07-04 00:57 | #231
ska det ta sån jävla tid?
buuurken, Donator 2010-07-04 01:04 | #232
You Are The Waffen-SS Jew The Very Angry Tripfag Destined To Slaughter All Poland....

Minimajs, Donator 2010-07-04 01:13 | #233
now it all makes sense!
OmfgPasta 2010-07-04 01:25 | #234
Bizzaro Jesus
Hopefully last meme
Die eating your mother
Svennisss 2010-07-04 01:27 | #235
You are "Hitlers" "virgin" The "Bloodthirsty" "Wiking" Destined to "snack on" "Niggers"

hahahaah WTF xD
norespawn 2010-07-04 02:12 | #236
den som orkar läsa alla komentarer måste ju inte ha nåt bättre försej,! fan #88 fick fan bäst av alla ja läste,
Han hade ju trotts allt ordet nigger 3 gånger och de blev en perfekt mening ;)
jeynotok 2010-07-04 02:17 | #237
you are jesus chosen nigger penis XD
norespawn 2010-07-04 02:22 | #238
nej nu fan nu fick ja ju en härlig! ******

you are boss man the legendairy christian destined to steal all jews!

menigen är vettig samtidigt som den e leet ;)

LiveorDie 2010-07-04 04:08 | #239
You are: Mr. Christ The Heroic Anon Destined to rape god xD
Schizoph 2010-07-04 04:31 | #240
youare PUSSY BRO the TRAGIC HERO destinated to STEAL all children
vIXEr3 2010-07-04 11:40 | #241
You are Not Mc Donald the Chosen Pedo destined to Slay Niggers!
Jonizito, Donator 2010-07-04 12:18 | #242
"You are Mr. Ranger THE Tragic Anon destined to Slaughter All The Jews"
mazer2 2010-07-04 12:25 | #243
YOU ARE Stinky Woman, THE Unstoppable Super Robot, DESTINED TO Defete Your Mother.
Simon... 2010-07-04 12:27 | #244
You are Stoned Simon the unstoppable viking-prince destined to Change all the internet!!!
Indikator 2010-07-04 12:27 | #245
You are Stoned Hernandez the Immortal killer destined to donothing about the trolls ! hahahahah
BadJester 2010-07-04 13:02 | #246
You are AIDS Maximus the hope of pedo destined to pierce your little sis :D
grasmattan 2010-07-04 13:12 | #247
You are ruthless asspie the legendary hero destined to drill europe
probb 2010-07-04 13:13 | #248
you are inferno jesus the hope of the hero destined to rule all jews ^^ heheheh
GrandiosoOak 2010-07-04 13:55 | #249
you are basement killer the heroic wisard destined to sell mankind
djungelkungen 2010-07-04 15:12 | #250
You are super advocate the right behemoth destined to battle with niggers!
aggeae 2010-07-04 15:23 | #251
You are Easy to please penis the immortal pedo destined to discover poland
vilda polacken, Donator 2010-07-04 16:57 | #252
You are hitlers jew the very angry nigger destined to rape your mother

Gabo 2010-07-04 17:02 | #253
You are: Silent jim the brutal warrior destined to slay GOD
Bellixo 2010-07-04 17:37 | #254
You are nigger jesus the chosen savior destined to do nothing about adis!

hahahha dör av skratt! :D
Rikstäckande plåga 2010-07-04 19:12 | #255
You are Ultra X The bringer of the warrior Destined to Rape the internet xD
InzaNic 2010-07-04 19:16 | #256
You are dildo nigger the perfect cam-whore destined to rape your little sis. ahahaha :D
jJeppe, Donator 2010-07-04 20:29 | #257
You are Super penis The Ronrey Manchild Destined to End All Mankind

Carlitoo 2010-07-04 20:59 | #258
you are: Captain Hernandez THE first pedo DESTINED TO rape children
Joachan, Donator 2010-07-04 21:12 | #259
you are stinky assassin The Bringer of the Manchild destined to wrestle with the trolls så passa er
skinkmackan 2010-07-04 21:49 | #260
You are Lonely Bob THE Fabled Camwhore DESTINED TO Re-Educate Niggers
Dohbreaker 2010-07-04 22:35 | #261
You Are father jesus The Feared mastertroll Destined to steal all pokemon!
Azamat 2010-07-04 23:47 | #262
You are Father jesus, the legendary ruler destined to pierce europe!
trulyawesome 2010-07-04 23:49 | #263
You are Nigger Penis the Immortal Wizard destined to steal all jews :D
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-05 00:00 | #264
Avatar, Donator 2010-07-05 00:06 | #265
HAHAHA You are penis man the immortal viking-prince!! xD
AdrofleXx 2010-07-05 00:33 | #266
You are: Emperor Penis The perfect nigger To discover children. Oo wth :P
Switchedd 2010-07-05 00:40 | #267
haha, You are Nigger jack the feared nigger destined to confine nothing! xD
ezedt, Donator 2010-07-05 00:52 | #268
You are Penis Girl The evil, evil camwhore destined to subdue all russia.

hahhah, ooookej.
TurD, Donator 2010-07-05 00:53 | #269
You are Dildo Sniper the bringer of the savior destined to end all niggers
mlr_ 2010-07-05 00:56 | #270
You are Inferno MOM! The Immortal Superhero!Destined to murder niggers!
Mr.Rinkle 2010-07-05 01:32 | #271
You are Dildo San The Feared Christian Destined to rule all Niggers....
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-05 02:23 | #272
ShadowHawk 2010-07-05 02:27 | #273
You are Mother Killer the Hope Of The Ruler destined to Murder Aids! :D
Zonfen 2010-07-05 02:32 | #274
You are Samuel L Jesus, The chosen nigger destined to re-educate europe.
Lakrisal, Donator 2010-07-05 03:48 | #275
You are Chuck Norris, The Immortal Hero Destined to Be Epic!

I Knew It! :o
banzai, Donator 2010-07-05 06:08 | #276
You are magnus mc muff, the last king, destined to steal his waifu
JB09 2010-07-05 07:51 | #277
You are boss mc muff THE bringer of viking-prince destined to steal vikings
sTpo 2010-07-05 09:58 | #278
YOU ARE : Jesus Kun
THE : Chosen pedo
DESTINED TO : sell children
Inlägget är borttaget 2010-07-05 11:29 | #279
swagbart, Donator 2010-07-05 13:44 | #280
You are: Stinky Advocate the Legendary Overlord destined to rape yourself
McPhail 2010-07-05 16:52 | #281
You are: Stinky anon, The marked mastertroll, destined to help all cakes
denkillen 2010-07-05 17:11 | #282
you are lonely assassin the marked ruler destined to wrestle with cakes....
zavius 2010-07-05 18:31 | #283
you are whore Mcdonald the ruthless wizard destined to pierce your mother
Schmek 2010-07-05 18:48 | #284
you are not virgin, the right wizard, destined to pierce jews
Blixomaster, Donator 2010-07-06 09:33 | #285
You are: inferno man, the Feared Killer, Destined to sell two bearcans at once!

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