den förra var uppe för inte så längesen. Men alltid kul med repost ifall man missar.
You reached 140 points, so you achieved position 22949 of 35567 on the ranking list
You type 238 characters per minute
You have 25 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
Roger, Admin, EgenTitel100kr
Johan...: Powerwhine då!
ClearChrome, Donator
You reached 256 points
You type 376 characters per minute
You have 48 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words
269 points, so you achieved position 51370 of 370452 on the ranking list
You type 340 characters per minute
You have 64 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
Roger, Admin, EgenTitel100kr
289 points på fyllan.
KANSKE återkommer imorgon. :D
Tensu, Donator
You type 208 characters per minute
You have 28 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
Roger roger roger, om du får 289 points på fyllan så är du inte tillräckligt full !
#6 epic lie...
You reached 165 points, so you achieved position 18432 of 35997 on the ranking list
You type 293 characters per minute
You have 27 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
Godsent, Donator
kom på 1829 plats på 3dje försöket :/
Leezak, Donator
203 points, fan inte bra alltså!
Men jag kan skriva alfabetet på 2.38 sekunder, slå det om ni kan ;)
MaeX, Förlåt glömde nämna att jag testade på engelska =(
You type 567 characters per minute
You have 69 correct words and
you have 8 wrong words
308 points, so you achieved position 30153 of 371271 on the ranking list
You type 409 characters per minute
You have 73 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
Och jag skriver bara med pekfingret på höger.
blackout, Donator
#13 du kan inte flyga också?
pewpewpew, Donator
You reached 234 points, so you achieved position 7742 of 36601 on the ranking list
You type 374 characters per minute
You have 44 correct words and
you have 5 wrong words
pewpewpew, Donator
slog det
You reached 309 points, so you achieved position 2225 of 36606 on the ranking list
You type 406 characters per minute
You have 47 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
ah, alldeles för trött för att göra det här seriöst :p fick iaf 121 ord i minuten sist jag gjorde det här (engelska, betydligt segare på svenska av någon anledning) med noll ord fel
Leezak, Donator
#18 Eh, inte när jag provade sist iaf. Kan du? Om inte, varför kan du inte?
You reached 287 points, so you achieved position 3361 of 37007 on the ranking list
You type 403 characters per minute
You have 49 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words
jag hade fler rätt, färre fel, o 3 characters pm långsammare än dig, och ändå fick du mer points? o0
Cendun, Donator
#6 - seriöst du tror typ att du skriver fett snabbt, jävla idiot
You type 667 characters per minute
You have 7 correct words and
you have 184 wrong words
TurD, Donator
#13 alla kan göra det med cheat engine.
På engelska:
405 points, so you achieved position 4687 of 375588 on the ranking list
You type 595 characters per minute
You have 105 correct words and
you have 6 wrong words
på svenska:
You reached 438 points, so you achieved position 110 of 38016 on the ranking list
You type 601 characters per minute
You have 78 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
gurrraa, Donator
You reached 0 points, so you achieved position 38820 of 38820 on the ranking list
You type 1063 characters per minute
You have 0 correct words and
you have 28 wrong words
ishlopishlo :O
You type 409 characters per minute
You have 49 correct words and
you have 9 wrong words
Kan bättre :<
fiskfiskfisk, Donator
You reached 413 points, so you achieved position 163 of 39595 on the ranking list - Fortfarande efter dig #27! >.<
#30 :D försök du bara! testade bara 2 ggr så :p
You reached 314 points, so you achieved position 2165 of 41442 on the ranking list
You type 532 characters per minute
You have 66 correct words and
you have 8 wrong words
Trögen, Donator
375 points, so you achieved position 9234 of 380784 on the ranking list
You type 473 characters per minute
You have 87 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
lolboll, Donator
Kul att det är så uppenbart att hälften ljuger. på 100 så står det
You reached 421 points, so you achieved position 7994 of 1314427 on the ranking list
You type 528 characters per minute
You have 100 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
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