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Film   Hur man hanterar vägpirater i Ryssland Tillbaka
Kommentarer 7 kommentarer, 8812 klick.

Bling925, Donator 2016-12-29 00:56 | #1
Huh.. Jag trodde inte solidaritet existerade i Ryssland..
dajko, Donator 2016-12-29 01:28 | #2
Älskar fan Ryssland.
Alex_ask, Donator 2016-12-29 10:11 | #3
Fyfan vilka sköna dudes
TurD, Donator 2016-12-29 11:14 | #4
Vad var planen för piraterna?
fittcp, Donator 2016-12-29 16:12 | #5
Dom stod å bytte däck och bad om hjälp. Sen krävde dom pengar av han som filma. Är vad jag fattade iaf.
bingoberra, Donator 2016-12-29 20:25 | #6
Jag tyckte det såg ut som att de hade lagt ut något på vägen? Typ någon form av spikgrej?
linkan111, KommenterarBaraNärJagÄrDyngRak 2016-12-29 21:52 | #7
Author of the video stopped his truck on the road to change the wheel. 3 bandits on blue Lada tryed to get ~$100 out of trucker for "crossing their territory". He asked help via CB radio. Another trucker confirmed that those guys tryed to get money out of him too. Other truckers blocked blue Lada, bandits were punished.
After this video was published police officials stated that those bandits are well-known local criminals. Police quizzed them and let them off because of lack of the complainant.
A year later, 22 july 2013 leader of the gang 24 years old Alexey Voronov (on 0:50) was sentenced to five years of standard regime penal colony for 4 criminal episodes. No one of truckers was accused.
More info at local news site (in Russian) http://omvesti.ru/category/vse-rubrik...
Original video in Russian by RockStRELoK.

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