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Hemsida   Skulle du vart nazist? - Test Tillbaka
Kommentarer 58 kommentarer, 13586 klick.

Kalletheodor 2009-05-16 15:56 | #1
The Swine :O
Dipshit 2009-05-16 16:23 | #2
The footsoldier!
egerborn90, Donator 2009-05-16 16:37 | #3
Der Kommendant!

GrillMeister, Donator 2009-05-16 17:02 | #4
*The Expatriate* If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.
Johii 2009-05-16 17:09 | #5
Der Kommendant!
Men vafan. Varför?
Knutjävel 2009-05-16 17:15 | #6
Adolf Hitler :)
egerborn90, Donator 2009-05-16 17:16 | #7
#6, snacka om att verkligen satsa på att få Adolf hitler :P

Jag fattade inte heller varför jag fick Kommandant, tog verkligen som jag tyckte o kände, o inget av det var meganazi eller så, knappt nånting. Nåt lurt är det med sidan :P
Myztik 2009-05-16 17:16 | #8
The Resistance

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would have taken up ARMS against the oppressors. Or even your friends' oppressors. Congratulations!

Less than 5% of all test takers earn a spot in the Resistance!
fredrikfrka 2009-05-16 17:25 | #9
Adolf Hitler xD
Trögen, Donator 2009-05-16 17:36 | #10
Som Myztik.
Knutjävel 2009-05-16 17:41 | #11
Jag svarade EXAKT som jag tyckte :)
Usbin 2009-05-16 17:51 | #12
Vilken otur att du inte var Adolf Hitler, Knutjävel, då hade vi ju sluppit dig här.
space_m0nkey, Donator 2009-05-16 18:15 | #13
Jag fick aldrig se mitt resultat :'(
space_m0nkey, Donator 2009-05-16 18:55 | #14

Achtung! You are 54% brainwashworthy, 45% antitolerant, and 62% blindly patriotic

OMG :O hur gick det till ,men hitler har ju namnsdag på min födelsedag :P
lasse 2009-05-16 19:11 | #15
Adolf Hitler :-)
Väktaren på tröskeln, Donator 2009-05-16 19:28 | #16
Skräptest. ><
HopplaPolle 2009-05-16 19:31 | #17
#16 i don't think so. Achtung! You are 23% brainwashworthy, 14% antitolerant, and 19% blindly patriotic | stämmer ganska bra det.
HopplaPolle 2009-05-16 19:32 | #18
#12 bra där vafan :D
Posearn 2009-05-16 19:44 | #19
The SS Officer

Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 41% antitolerant, and 33% blindly patriotic
Knutjävel 2009-05-16 19:48 | #20
Har du något problem med att jag är Stolt Svensk eller? :D
Svinto 2009-05-16 19:55 | #21
Achtung! You are 54% brainwashworthy, 77% antitolerant, and 95% blindly patriotic
smunkle 2009-05-16 20:04 | #22
kom aldrig förbi det där jävla sifferkoden "Are you human" grejen, töntsidor med dålig kod äger.
Känner på mig att jag skulle fått ganska icke nazistiskt resultat.
KKK 2009-05-16 20:23 | #23
Adolf Hitler.

Achtung! You are 54% brainwashworthy, 95% antitolerant, and 86% blindly patriotic
You probably you lack the charisma and intelligence to be Hitler himself, but then again, who knows? You've got a few of the necessary traits, at least. You are crazy, nationalistic, and more proud of your background than you should be.

Right now I am breathing a big sigh of relief that you don't live in Germany in the 1930's, although I guess things couldn't have gone any worse than they did, even with your help. Maybe all this energy that you feel right now could be directed to an end less evil? Are you a Police Officer? Not in my town, I hope.

Sadly, you exceeded expectations on all 3 indicators.

Deutschland: Uber Alles!
byggare_bob 2009-05-16 20:24 | #24
Adolf HItler :<
golimar 2009-05-16 20:27 | #25
för uppenbara svar, boring
MonkeyMan, Donator 2009-05-16 21:16 | #26
Der Kommandant!
Feppan 2009-05-16 21:19 | #27
Hitler O.o
Lurkern 2009-05-16 21:24 | #28
håller med #25. alldeles för uppenbara svar.
Urban 2009-05-16 21:32 | #29
The resistance!
esset, Donator 2009-05-16 21:49 | #30
Blev Nazi general :O
KOVALCHUK 2009-05-16 22:16 | #31
The Swine
Urban 2009-05-16 23:03 | #32
lol jag enda som inte blev nazist..?
aegda, Donator 2009-05-16 23:58 | #33
värdelöst test
sniff 2009-05-16 23:59 | #34
# 20 är stolt svensk men han kan inte formulera korrekta svenska meningar.
Knutjävel 2009-05-17 00:49 | #35
Vad det nu ska ha med saken att göra, men visst.. hur ska det vara då? :D
wronkan 2009-05-17 01:10 | #36
The Resistance.
omg its a cow 2009-05-17 01:12 | #37
Stekaren 2009-05-17 01:12 | #38
Samma som wronkan.
Rasism är korkat.
Tarz, Donator 2009-05-17 01:17 | #39
Viva la resistance! :D
kallekula 2009-05-17 01:23 | #40
The Expatriate
Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.
Jaiimes, Donator 2009-05-17 01:39 | #41
Der Kommandant wohoo
Febersjuk 2009-05-17 01:52 | #42
Back in Germany in the 1940's, you would have been at the top of the asshole list. Not for Nazism, necessarily, but for your own sick, twisted values. Then, out of superior intelligence (relative to other Nazis, that is), you would've climbed to the top.
tomicic 2009-05-17 02:05 | #43
The resistance oxå, KUNGLIG
Kroonofogden, Donator 2009-05-17 05:21 | #44
hhaha, blev Der Kommandant av att svara ärligt. ganska kul att veta att ens tankesätt liknar en Nazi-general :P dock så behöver man inte vara nazist för det, ty jag citerar" Not for Nazism, necessarily, but for your own sick, twisted values.
Bakke, Donator 2009-05-17 08:39 | #45
Adolf - Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 59% antitolerant, and 90% blindly patriotic

Vad är det för fel på patriotism? skittest..
GrillMeister, Donator 2009-05-17 09:58 | #46
Att vara stolt svensk har ändrat mening. Innan betydde det att man älska sitt land nu betyder det att man hatar blattar. Det sa i alla fall en nazist till mig när jag kallade mig själv patriot, jag måste hata blattar för att kalla mig själv det. Men dom enda jag hatar är rasister och nazister.
Skael, Donator 2009-05-17 12:28 | #47
The Expatriate
Achtung! You are 15% brainwashworthy, 23% antitolerant, and 38% blindly patriotic

Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.
egerborn90, Donator 2009-05-17 12:55 | #48
#20, att vara stolt över att vara svensk och vara nazi är 2 olika saker... Stolt över att vara svensk lutar mer mot att vara rasist. Nazism var mer att utrota judar och använda negrer som slavar. lär dig skillnaden :)
egerborn90, Donator 2009-05-17 12:56 | #49
#46 word, och jag hatar alla som ratar flyktingarna samtidigt som invandrarna. En sak är att hata alla invandrare som bara går omkring och hetsar mot folk. Men att hata flyktingar som inte har någon stans att ta vägen är bara helt fel...
Uteliggarn 2009-05-17 13:35 | #50
Der Kommendant!
Dementia, Donator 2009-05-17 14:03 | #51
Der Kommandant
You are 31% brainwashworthy, 55% antitolerant, and 48% blindly patriotic

rätt kul test. inte för att det är något direkt bra test men endå
Kallesson 2009-05-17 14:32 | #52
The resistance :)
keghunter 2009-05-17 15:58 | #53
Der Kommandant
Achtung! You are 23% brainwashworthy, 73% antitolerant, and 57% blindly patriotic

Opportunistic, patriotic to a fault, and not so fond of people who aren't just like you, you are like a Nazi General. Back in Germany in the 1940's, you would have been at the top of the asshole list. Not for Nazism, necessarily, but for your own sick, twisted values. Then, out of superior intelligence (relative to other Nazis, that is), you would've climbed to the top.

Conclusion: you would have been a Nazi, and most likely would have served them well.

yeeah (H)
modski, Donator 2009-05-17 20:32 | #54
Der Kommandant

Achtung! You are 31% brainwashworthy, 64% antitolerant, and 71% blindly patriotic
Opportunistic, patriotic to a fault, and not so fond of people who aren't just like you, you are like a Nazi General. Back in Germany in the 1940's, you would have been at the top of the asshole list. Not for Nazism, necessarily, but for your own sick, twisted values. Then, out of superior intelligence (relative to other Nazis, that is), you would've climbed to the top.

Conclusion: you would have been a Nazi, and most likely would have served them well.
pudgehook 2009-05-17 22:39 | #55

Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 64% antitolerant, and 71% blindly patriotic

LoL haha :D
Lurifaxen 2009-05-17 23:24 | #56
Samma som KKK
Smiskgubben 2009-05-18 14:59 | #57
The Resistance!
Danneyo, Donator 2010-06-16 19:28 | #58

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