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Film   Är huvudet dumt får kroppen lida! (Smått stötande) Tillbaka
Kommentarer 12 kommentarer, 10906 klick.

KarlssonFMX, Donator 2015-04-17 00:16 | #1
Inlägget är borttaget 2015-04-17 00:30 | #2
karlgren123, Donator 2015-04-17 00:42 | #3
Även huvudet fick lida
Havocboy, Donator 2015-04-17 00:46 | #4
Snubben dog!
PerfA, Donator 2015-04-17 01:00 | #5
ßadass, Donator 2015-04-17 01:04 | #6
Vilken jädra smäll!!!!!
Cooljanne, Donator 2015-04-17 01:17 | #7
haha fan va jag skrattade
FireWaia, Donator 2015-04-17 01:20 | #8
"Kiev, Ukraine- Two guys decided to slide down a glass wall SEC "Globe" shopping center on Independence Square. one of them seriously injured.

One of the two was lucky to survive the fall unscathed.
But his friend, however, did not. Jacob Simonenko P, age 17, from Kiev suffered injuries to his head, neck and back.

"These guys were drunk. fooling around at the top and were not going to jump, but my friends encouraged them to do it. In the end they succumbed to peer pressure and slided down. they seem to have underestimated the speed"- said eyewitness Pavel Yaremenko .

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=577_1429172564#qSDrj0QT8xZtsD6b.99"
kangas, Donator 2015-04-17 01:51 | #9
ljudet när han smäller huvudet, smackA
b0nden, Donator 2015-04-17 09:21 | #10
Den andra som landade på röven måste ju skita blod i evigheter.
mrnecro, Donator 2015-04-17 12:09 | #11
#8 FireWaia: Det är kul med alkohol
ikyo, 5k 2015-04-17 18:37 | #12
Tråkigt att bli handikappad, men rolig historia.

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