Länkar Forum
Film   Helikopterkrasch filmad från insidan Tillbaka
Kommentarer 13 kommentarer, 13369 klick.

Macke, Donator 2015-01-13 00:09 | #1
Öööhhh!! Varning för ljudet
Chill3zor, Donator 2015-01-13 00:25 | #2
#1 Macke: VA? skulle det vara högljutt när man filmar i en helikopter? :O
Macke, Donator 2015-01-13 00:28 | #3
#2 Chill3zor: hehehehehehehe, tänkte på tjutet i mitten av filmen.
Sparv1, Donator 2015-01-13 00:48 | #4
#3 Macke: JA, rolig...t! :D
Macke, Donator 2015-01-13 01:28 | #5
#4 Sparv1: Oj, sa Ture
jensen9402, Donator 2015-01-13 03:03 | #6
bra ... film...at...
Hakase, Donator 2015-01-13 10:11 | #7
"This happened 2 years ago (July 4th 2013) but just now the video was released. It happened in Corumba de Goias, a small city in the rural area of Brazil. The pilot did a bad approach and tried to swoop right after touching the ground, but the helicopter didn't have enough power to take off and it crashed 900 feet ahead. Nobody was injured."
Lakmolb, Donator 2015-01-13 10:29 | #8
#1 Macke: Ring åklagarn!
Hupu, Donator 2015-01-13 11:55 | #9
fejk iom att den inte sprängdes
Macke, Donator 2015-01-13 14:10 | #10
#8 Lakmolb: Sug min röv!
drummelxd, Donator 2015-01-13 16:52 | #11
förväntade mig en Michael Bay-explosion:(
Pygmyshrew, Donator 2015-01-13 20:05 | #12
We got a Blackhawk down, we got a Blackhawk down. Super64 is down.
iamawesome, Donator 2015-01-14 06:14 | #13
#7 Hakase: Ja för sommaren 2013 va 2 år sedan.

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